I did!!! It's like having a constant fear of failure and not having the urge to be productive.
That little voice inside your head is always telling you that you can’t do it, causing you to doubt yourself and continually have a depressed state of mind.
The palms of your hands will start sweating, your breathing gets heavier and heavier, and your thinking is clouded with negative thoughts that continuisly causes you to doubt yourself,thus making you believe you're a loser.
The lack of wanting to socialise is another factor that affects your low self-esteem.
The good news is that you are not a loser!
All the crap that is in your head is just what it is "just crap and nothing but crap"!
All that is needed is some positive changes and a different approach to your way of thinking.
You have most probably been programmed to fail just like I was, thankfully we are not computers, and can therefore with some wanting,reprogram ourselves to be what we want to be.
Believe it or not, those individual that strive to put you down and constantly try to intimidate you are people with issues and low self-esteem and their task is to pick on victims of abuse to make themselves feel superior than you.
Joseph Fagarazzi